Student spotlight: “The Access Project helped me explore my career options”

Mizanul joined The Access Project as a sixth form student after missing out on clubs and extracurricular activities in secondary school. Now, he’s on track to place at one of the UK’s top universities. 

Mizanul is a Year 13 student from the West Midlands, who joined The Access Project for additional tutoring in biology. A talented student, Mizanul struggled with time management – but found tutoring an immense help in keeping him grounded. His tutor supported him to discover new ways to revise and focus his attention on his studies.

He said: “The Access Project helped me with my time management, and became the anchor to keep me focussed when I used to procrastinate”

Mizanul began biology tuition in Year 12. He quickly noticed his knowledge gaps, and his tutor tailored sessions to suit his needs and put him on the pathway to success in his exams. As he prepares for life’s next steps, The Access Project has opened his mind to a new world of career opportunities.

Students in The Access Project programme receive mentoring from a University Access Officer. Mizanul’s University Access Officer helped him identify new opportunities. Mizanul attended two university summer schools, gained work experience in a research lab, and attended a higher education conference.

Elsewhere, Mizanul’s mentor helped him hone his focus and produce a stellar university application. “I’m a perfectionist, so I wanted to make my personal statement outstanding”, he said. “[The Access Project] prevented it from overflowing.”

Mizanul’s additional skill-building has helped him secure a place at the University of Leicester to study Microbiology in September 2023.

“My University Access Officer never enforced their ideas of what’s good for you”, he added. “They encouraged me to ask for help when I needed it, and always gave great advice”.

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