Student spotlight: “Without The Access Project’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to reach my goal this fast”

When Parmida first came to the UK, she never would have thought she could achieve her dreams so quickly. Now, with the help of The Access Project, she’s on track to study Medicine at one of the UK’s top universities.

Parmida is a Year 13 student from the West Midlands. An aspiring doctor, she started receiving Chemistry tuition from The Access Project after a recommendation from her peers.

“I want to become a doctor, so I need good grades. The Access Project has offered invaluable tutoring and support, and I am more confident I will be able to get those grades”.

Parmida’s tutor’s enthusiasm for Chemistry inspired her get excited about the subject. “I ask her questions non-stop and she always answers”, she told us. “She is passionate about Chemistry and encourages me to work harder”.

In addition to one hour of online tutoring per week, students in The Access Project programme receive mentoring from a University Access Officer. Parmida’s University Access Officer has been her rock since Year 12, offering guidance with university applications and prep sessions for interviews.

“My University Access Officer always supports me and is always there when I am nervous about grades, about interviews, about life”, Parmida said. “She has helped me through everything”, she added.

The Access Project’s widening participation tutoring and mentoring programme helped Parmida accelerate her path to success, securing a place at a top UK university just a few years after arriving in the country.

“I was always told by other students and other teachers that it was really hard to get into Medicine, but my University Access Officer always believed in me and told me I could do it”, Parmida said. “With her help, I got four Medicine interviews and two offers”.

“When I’m at university, I would love to help other students from The Access Project”.

Students like Parmida are twice as likely to attend top universities after studying with The Access Project. One hour of volunteering per week can put a student from a disadvantaged background on track to a good education, giving them the best chance at social mobility.

The Access Project combats educational inequality through widening participation programmes, offering tutoring, mentoring and enrichment opportunities. We empower disadvantaged young people to realise their full potential.

Around 25% of our programme is paid for by schools. The rest is funded by university partners, corporate sponsorships, and donations from people like you. Your donation to The Access Project will give students like Parmida the chance to thrive.

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