UCAS Clearing 101: Get a space at uni this September

Missed out on a place at university on A level results day? Don’t panic. Thousands of places on quality courses at top unis are still up for grabs through UCAS Clearing.
What is UCAS Clearing?
UCAS Clearing is a university application tool that matches applicants with courses that are yet to be filled.
Clearing doesn’t mean the course is second rate, or that nobody wants to do it. Sometimes, universities receive less applications than they anticipated, leaving open spaces on the courses that they were prepared to have lots of students enrolled on. There is a huge range of quality courses available through clearing: Law, Medicine, Maths and more.
UCAS has a helpful guide to help you navigate your way through clearing.
How do I apply for UCAS Clearing?
If you made a UCAS application earlier this year but don’t currently hold any offers, you can use Clearing.
You’re eligible to use Clearing if:
- you’re applying after 30 June
- you didn’t receive any offers (or none you wanted to accept)
- you didn’t meet the conditions of your offers
- you’ve declined your firm place using the ‘decline my place’ button in your application (don’t decline your firm choice until you’re absolutely certain as you cannot undo this action)
You’ll need to register for Clearing before you can secure your spot at uni. You can apply for Clearing and search for available courses through the UCAS website.
How do I find a course through Clearing?
You can find open courses through the UCAS Clearing search tool.
Once you’ve found a course you’re interested in, you’ll need to speak to that university’s admissions team over the phone to secure your spot before you add it to your Clearing application online.
You can reach out to as many universities as you like, but remember that you can only accept one Clearing offer. Research all of your options and and consider your decision carefully before you make your choice.
You might have to speak to multiple unis before you find the right course for you. This isn’t always a quick process and it’s important you don’t rush your application – there’s no need to panic. Take time to prepare yourself and have everything that you need on hand before you start searching for courses and calling unis.
Making a phone call to a university
Before you start your course enquiries, consult UCAS’ guide.
When you are calling a university to enquire about a course, you will need:
- your Personal ID number
- your Clearing number
- your grades/UCAS Tariff points
- information about why you want a place – unis want to know about your achievements, so consider pulling a few bullet points from your personal statement to help your case.
You should also have to hand:
- the uni name
- phone number
- course code and title
We also recommend asking the university to email you written confirmation of their offer. You might also want to note down the name of the person you spoke to on the phone, for reference.
Find a quiet, comfortable environment to make your calls from and make sure you’ve got a strong phone signal. We know phone calls can be intimidating, but there’s no need to worry – everybody on the other end of the line is there to help. They want you to come to their uni just as much as you want to study there.
If you have difficulty hearing, UCAS offers alternative forms of contact.
I’ve been offered a place through Clearing. What do I do next?
Once you’ve been offered a place by a university, they will guide you through your next steps. Usually, you’ll have to add the university, course and course code to your Clearing application through the UCAS portal. Your university’s admissions team should be able to help you through this process.
Can I still get uni accommodation if I applied through Clearing?
Usually, yes. Universities often don’t allocate their accommodation until after results day, so there should be plenty of space available if you’re considering living away from home. You should ask about this in your phone call to each university.
Can I get student finance tuition fee loans if I applied through Clearing?
Yes. You should apply for student finance as soon as possible.
You don’t need to have confirmed your place at university to start your student finance application. If your circumstances change, you can make amendments to your application.
Help with Clearing
Looking for something you can’t find? The UCAS website has all the resources you need to help you through the Clearing application process.
Check out the Ultimate Guide to Clearing for FAQs, step-by-step guides and more.
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